The WestSide Poker Tour is a Portland area poker league on the WestSide of Portland, Oregon. We're always looking for new players, so let us know if you're interested in joining us. We play in Hillsboro, Beaverton, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Aloha, Tigard, North Plains, and West Portland. All of our poker tournaments are No Limit Texas Hold'em.
Welcome to the Westside Poker Tour; a number of home-based tournaments hosted at various locations on the WestSide in the Portland, Oregon area. Anyone who plays receives points. The top 9 point leaders, at the end of the year, will receive a free entry into the championship tournament. Everyone is welcome to join us.
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News Bulletins

2/11/09 - The WestSide Poker Tour 2008 Championship tournament has been played and it was won by Bob H. Congratulations Bob! Bob was a force to be reckoned with throughout the tournament either leading in chips or hot on the heels of the chip leader. Bob is the Champion We're all looking forward to the 2009 WSPT season.

If you're reading this, I'm sure you've noticed some of the new features of the web site. Everyone on the WSPT invite list has access to login to the web site and forums. I encourage everyone to do so and become active on the forums. There's good information about upcoming events unrelated to the WSPT and some poker trips planned for WSPT members.

We're seeking tournament hosts. Now more than ever we need people to step up and host some WSPT tournaments. Those of us who have been hosting for a while will be glad to co-host with you at your place if that helps. We're also happy to help supply chairs, tables, chips, etc. if you need them. Let Jason M or Brian F know if you're interested in hosting one or more events. We can be private messaged on the forum or you can email us.
1/2/09 - The date and time for the WSPT 2008 Championship has been set. Entry to the event is by invitation only, however if you're interested in watching or playing in a cash game, anyone is welcome to attend. Invites will be sent out to those who have played in at least 4 events in 2008. The tournament is going to be on January 24, 2009 @ 6:00pm at Jason's house.

A new feature has been added to the site - a playing card simulator. This was custom coded by Jason M and will allow you to play with a deck of cards virtually. It will also automatically deal out a full table of Hold'em or a memory game. It's pretty slick and is fun to play around with. Let us know what you think.
12/29/08 - The last tournaments of the year have been played and Andy F is the points leader this season. Congratulations and well played, Andy. It was a hard fought battle for #1 and there were several lead changes near the end of the season. Also, Rick W won the side pool of $120 as points leader of those who entered the pool. Congratulations Rick!

The first tournament at Jason's went fairly quickly and Sean M ended up winning out over Bob H. The second tourney, and last of 2008, was a rebuy frenzy and was as wild and crazy as you'd expect. There were at least 10 rebuys from the 9 players. Tricia and Adam battled for a few minutes, but the blinds became so high that it basically came down to who caught the cards and that was Tricia.

All in all, it's been a great season and I hope that everyone has enjoyed it as much as I have. A special thank you to Brian F who hosted 80% of the tournaments this year. Looking forward to the Championship tournament which will be held in January.
12/20/08 - After treking through nearly a foot of snow, we were able to get in 2 tournaments. The first tournament was won by Andy after several hours of bad beats. In winning this tournament, Andy took over the point lead from Tricia. For the second tournament, we voted to have unlimited rebuys for the first hour, but anyone that rebought only received 1 point. Jason ended up getting first place.
9/7/08 - A couple weeks ago, Brian hosted another couple rowdy WSPT tournaments. They were Burdette's farewell tournaments and so it was fitting that Burdette won the first tournament. The Flinn's went heads-up in the second tourney with Andy coming in first.
5/14/08 - Brian hosted another couple successful tournaments. At least they were successful for Tricia who came in 1st in the first tournament and 2nd in the second tournament. Rick ended up winning the second tournament and has extended his point lead over the rest of the field.
4/28/08 - Kimball's first WSPT tournament was immediately after the Dead Money tournament. He continued a trend that Rick started by winning his own tournament. Considering how late it started, we had a pretty good turn out of 11 players. The points have been updated and Rick still leads the league by at least 1 tournament.
4/10/08 - We've had a couple tournaments since the last posting. Brian's tournament was a big success. We had 2 events and Rick took back the point lead from Michael.

We also had an event at the Wagner house which Rick hosted. He extended his point lead by eliminating Jason heads-up. Rick eliminated the last 3 opponents in that tourney.

Just a side note, the top 4 point leaders are all tournament hosts (now that Rick has hosted an event.) Maybe it's time for you to think about hosting a WSPT event so that you can make the top 5 point earners. Just a thought.
3/16/08 - Michael's BIG tournaments were just that. For the first one, we set a WSPT event record with 24 players including several new players. One of those new players actually took first place, Jake H. The second tournament had 11 players and was won by Burdette.
2/24/08 - We had a good turn-out for both tournaments on Saturday. Michael N had some ups and downs in the first tournament, but completely dominated the second tournament from the beginning. He won both and now sits comfortably at the top of the points standings. After the tournaments, we had a full cash game which lasted until the wee hours of the morning.
1/19/08 - The WSPT Championship Tournament has ended with a clear winner... Brad Kelly! Congratulations Brad!
Brad Kelly

The Championship Tournament went really quickly. We had 15 players and it lasted about 4 and a half hours.

After it was over, some of us started a pool for point leader for 2008. Anyone who wants to join the pool is welcome. It's $20 and of those who are in the pool, whoever gets the most points in 2008 will win the entire pool. Right now it's up to $160. You must join or commit to join before the next WSPT tournament starts.

We added some new rules for 2008. You can find them on the WSPT home page menu. The highlights are the new bonus incentives, default tournament rules, and point rules. Hopefully this will bring some more structure to it so it's not complete anarchy.

Next we played the first WSPT 2008 event and we had 15 players. The points will be updated to reflect the 2008 season very soon (much sooner than last year.) Rick took first and Michael got second. We had a lot of trash talk and rowdiness. Looks like 2008 is starting the way 2007 left off.
1/8/08 - Just 4 days until the Westside Poker Tour 2007 Championship Tournament. The trophy has arrived. What's in your living room?

WSPT 2007 Trophy WSPT 2007 Trophy

The first WSPT event of 2008 has been announced. It will be immediately after someone wins the trophy above. Hope everyone can make it since we're all starting from an even playing field (the points got reset.)
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