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Click here for full points listing.

1/19/08 - The WSPT Championship Tournament has ended with a clear winner... Brad Kelly! Congratulations Brad! The Championship Tournament went really quickly. We had 15 players and it lasted about 4 and a half hours.

After it was over, some of us started a pool for point leader for 2008. Anyone who wants to join the pool is welcome. It's $20 and of those who are in the pool, whoever gets the most points in 2008 will win the entire pool. Right now it's up to $160. You must join or commit to join before the next WSPT tournament starts.

We added some new rules for 2008. You can find them on the WSPT home page menu. The highlights are the new bonus incentives, default tournament rules, and point rules. Hopefully this will bring some more structure to it so it's not complete anarchy.

Next we played the first WSPT 2008 event and we had 15 players. The points will be updated to reflect the 2008 season very soon (much sooner than last year.) Rick took first and Michael got second. We had a lot of trash talk and rowdiness. Looks like 2008 is starting the way 2007 left off.
1/8/08 - Just 4 days until the Westside Poker Tour 2007 Championship Tournament. The trophy has arrived. What's in your living room?

The first WSPT event of 2008 has been announced. It will be immediately after someone wins the trophy above. Hope everyone can make it since we're all starting from an even playing field (the points got reset.)
12/22/07 - Another regular season of WSPT poker has come to an end. There was some exciting drama at the final two tournaments. I'll try to recap all of the point shifts and lucky suck-outs.

Let's start with the point shifts. Coming into the the tournament there were 10 people in the top 9 (there was a tie for 9th.) Andy (9th) and Tricia (8th) were unable to attend the tournaments. Burdette was tied with Andy for 9th place. Just being at the tournaments, Burdette was guaranteed to knock Andy out of the top 9. Burdette ended up coming in 5th in the 2nd tournament to jump ahead of Tricia. The big surprise of the night was Rajiv. He came in at about 15th place with 23 points. He was the first person out of the 1st tournament, but everyone agreed to let him rebuy for $50. He ended up out-drawing his way to the first place prize. I don't think he lost a coin flip and he didn't miss a draw when he was in for his tournament life. He rarely missed draws when other people were in for their tournament life.

After the first touranment, Rajiv had jumped to 7th place in the point standings and Tricia was in 9th and Burdette was in 10th. It didn't look like were were going to have enough people for a second qualifying WSPT tournament because Sean had to leave. However, since Burdette was guaranteed to at least tie for 9th place with Tricia and give himself a free entry to the Championship, if there was another WSPT tournament, he offered to pay Sean's buy-in. Sean agreed and we had 9 players (the minimum required for a WSPT point event).

The second tournament was much looser than the first. Gary went out first within a few hands when his pocket queens met with Bob's pocket kings. This gave Jason (2nd place) an opportunity to overtake Gary (1st place) in points. Jason was 4 points behind Gary. If he got 3rd place or better, he'd move to 1st place in points. It wasn't meant to be... His pocket kings went down to Rajiv after Rajiv flopped top pair (queens) and rivered 2 pair.

Burdette ended up getting 5th place to jump ahead of Tricia in points and tie with Scott for 8th place. Tricia dropped to 10th and Andy dropped to 11th. Rajiv won the second tournament as well and moved from 7th place to 5th place securing a free buy-in to the championship touranment on January 12th.

For those who did not play at least 5 tournaments this year and were not invited to participate in the championship tournament... If you'd like to attend to watch the action or get in a cash game when people start getting knocked out, let Jason know and he can give you all the information about when and where.

Thanks for another great season and we hope to see everyone again next year. Have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!!

12/20/07 - The year is coming to an end. It's been another fun year of poker. There's still a lot of opportunity to get into the top 9 point leaders and to get an invite to the Championship Tournament. Only people who have played at least 5 tournaments this year will receive an invite to the Championship. The top 9 point earners for the year will receive a free entry into the Championship tournament. We've collected over $500 throughout the year to put into the pot for the Championship Tournament to cover the free entries for the top 9 players. With Brian's tournaments being the last of the year, there's still the possiblity for 13 different people to take one of the top 9 spots. There's also the possiblity of 9 additional people getting an invite to the Championship if they play in both the tournaments at Brian's.

Check out your stats by looking at the Full Points Listing to see if you have a chance to play in the Championship Tournament. Anyone who believes that they should get an invititation to the Championship Tournament, but haven't already, please let us know right away.
11/04/07 - We had 12 players for the first tournament and 11 for the second at Brian's. Was a bit less rowdy than some of the previous tournaments, but was still a good time. The first tournament was won by Burdette who just cracked the top 10 point leader board. Fernando won the second tournament as everyone else was distracted by Shanna Hiatt and after her, Rounders.
10/23/07 - Pretty good turn out for Jason's October tournaments. Had some new faces and of course Gary won again. So, we've decided to rename it "Gary's Poker League." Just kidding. Gary got first place in the first tournament and Brian took first in the second tournament.

New WSPT Website Feature - Have added the ability to get even more information about a player's history. If you click on a player's name in the points listing, you can see their tournament history for the current season.
9/30/07 - Brian's September Poker Tournaments were the rowdiest yet. Ended up with 12 players for both the first and the second. Sophia took top honors in the first tournament after a grueling 2 hours of 4-way play. In the second tournament, Scott S. went home the big winner after coming in 2nd in the first tournament. As promised, the points were updated quickly (immediately after the tournaments finished) and the new standings are current. Jason's tournament is coming up in 2 weeks. Sign up now.

There's some exciting stuff in the works for next season. Stay tuned for more information. For now, I can say it should lead to fuller tournaments and tournaments more often in 2008. We're still looking for suggestions to up attendance for the 2007 season. Please let us know soon as we will be having our annual tournament hosts meeting in the next couple months. If you're interested in hosting WSPT events, or even think you might be willing to host a WSPT event, please let us know.
9/11/07 - Have added even more functionality to the site. An odds calculator and a question of the day link have been added to the main page menu. Also, below the menu, a poll has been added. The poll is randomly chosen each time you go to the home page. If you have suggestions for additional polls, please send them to Jason. Be sure to include the question and the answers.
9/6/07 - Finally got the points up on the site. The good news is that from here on out, the point totals will be updated the moment that the tournament host posts their tournament. I appreciate everyone's patience. Now we can all see that Gary has a commanding lead and is virtually unstoppable. Or is he?

I am still waiting for even one simple suggestion on how we can improve attendance to WSPT events. Would anyone be in favor of extra points for bringing new people to a tourney? Perhaps you attend another regular game and could invite people from that game? If you have suggestions or comments, please send them to Jason.
8/27/07 - We had 12 players for the first tourney and 9 for the second. Both were WSPT point tournaments. Darren breezed back into town to make some easy money by winning the first tournament. The second tournament was won by Jason when he flopped a boat against Gary heads-up.

We're looking to increase attendance and would love any suggestions on how to make that happen. Currently we have over 150 people on the invite list, but only get about 1/3 to 1/2 responding per tournament. If you know anyone who would like to be added to the invite list, please let us know.
7/1/2007 - Brian's June tournaments had 14 and 9 players respectively. There were a few new players and some of the same old mugs. Gary, obviously miffed about being point bubble boy last year (pubble?), is on a rampage this year. He's way out in front on the points leader board with 2 impressive wins in a row at Brian's. The first tourney lasted about 5 hours and the second lasted about 3.

I've added a new section called "Poker Links." This is a section of the site which includes links to interesting poker-related sites on the net. If you have some suggestions for additional sites, please let us know.

Points on the site update: We're still working on getting point totals up on the site for this year. We have finished the first half of the battle which was a way for the tournament hosts to post the results to the database. The second step is the actual reading and displaying of that data. We're working on it and appologize for any frustration this year about points.
3/25/2007 - Brian's tournament went fairly quickly. The final table only lasted a couple hours. The final 5 were decided within about 15 minutes. Brent B. ended up the victor, eliminating the last 3 players by coming from behind each time. We even had a double elimination at the final table.

Website Update: As you can see, some updates have been made to the website. Should hopefully continue making updates through the rest of this week.

Promotion Update: We are still running the promotion to join the Poker Player's Alliance. Anyone who joins and shows proof of membership (receipt, shirt, or pin) will receive 10% extra chips at WSPT events. Must show proof at each event to receive the bonus.
3/8/2007 - An apology from me... I'd like to apologize for not getting the site updated more quickly. As many of you know, I travel a lot for work and have been out of the state a lot. I've also had some personal things going on which is taking up a large amount of my time. Excuses aside, I intend to have the site updated as soon as possible and have been keeping track of the WSPT points. I'll be moving all of the 2006 information to an archive page and then put all new 2007 information in its place. I'll also be adding a photo page with some photos from 2006 and the championship tournament. I appreciate everyone's patience. - Jason M
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