Click here for full points listing.

1/14/2007 - The first annual WSPT Championship Tournament is in the books. It was a very tough field and nobody was eliminated until the 3rd hour of the tourney. After about 5 or 6 hours it was down to 6 people: Ike, Brad, Adam, Jason, Gary, & Michael. Five of these six were in the top 9 point earners. The order of elimination was: Brad, Gary, Jason, Ike, Adam, and Michael is the 2006 Champion. Photos will be available soon. The 2007 tour will soon be under way.
12/19/2006 - The eVite for the WSPT Championship Tournament has been sent out. Only people who played in at least 1 WSPT tournament in 2006 will be allowed to attend the Championship Tournament. If you did play in at least 1 tournament this year and did not receive the eVite, please contact Brian Fast [email protected]. We hope to see everyone who played at the Championship and thank everyone who attended tournaments in 2006. It was a great year for the WSPT and we hope that 2007 is even better. Have a happy and safe holiday season!
12/02/2006 - Brian's tournament was won by Tricia F with her favorite hand, QQ. The point standings changed again with Brad coming in second to take the first seat. There is currently a tie for 9th place which would mean 10 free entrants into the Championship Tournament unless there is another event before the end of the year. Should there be another event, Gary would have the potential of knocking both Andy F and Jason M out of the top 9 by getting 2nd place or better. Both Andy and Jason would have the potential for knocking Nate P (assuming they both play) and eachother off of the leader board. The date and time for the Championship Tournament has been set. Once the location is finalized, evites will be sent to anyone who has played in at least one WSPT event this year. Points will be updated soon.
11/19/2006 - The top spot at Andy's tournament was taken by Jason. The end of the year is approaching quickly and every point counts. There's still time to join the Poker Players Alliance and wear your pin or tee-shirt to a tournament this year for an extra point. Points have been updated.
11/16/2006 - Change to the Poker Players Alliance players. Anyone wearing a PPA shirt to a WSPT tournament will receive one extra point the first time. After that, they will receive 10% more chips than everyone else. This is only good for the 2006 tournaments.
11/11/2006 - Brian's tournament was won by Darren. The championship tournament is coming up and every point counts. The votes are in and the dates have been chosen. The only date that everyone could make it was 1/13/2007, so that will be the day. It's going to be sometime in the evening. Going to shoot for 5pm, but that is not final yet. The buy-in for those not in the top 9 will be $50. The winner will receive the trophy and honor of being the WSPT champion for 2006. The points will be reset at the first tournament of 2007 and the race for the top 9 for 2007 will begin.
10/5/2006 - The poker ban passed the senate. Unfortunately, the Senate snuck the law through as part of the Port Security bill. It still has to be signed by the president (which it will be) and then it'll take a few months before it goes into affect. The new law will not make playing online poker illegal, but will make it so that financial institutions are required to prevent US citizens from funding foreign online casino accounts. Those who already have money in those casinos will be able to play with that money. Getting new money in will be the tricky part. Not sure if this is going to stop Neteller. If it does, then those of us who play online poker for a hobby will need to open a foreign bank account (like in Canada) and fund our hobby through that bank. In any case, it is disappointing that the government has taken this action and once again thinks it needs to protect us from ourselves and make a victimless activity a crime.
10/1/2006 - Andy's tournament had 17 entrants and Brad K won his 4th in a row to take the top spot in the point rankings. Points have been updated (sorry for the long delay). In other news, Jason will be moving and will likely not be hosting any more tournaments this year (maybe in December). Brian's November tournament has had a date change to 11/18. The WSPT Championship Tournament is quickly approaching. Still don't have a date/time/location for it. A poll will be emailed to the top 15 point leaders to get an idea of when would work best. If you receive the email, please reply promptly.
9/15/2006 - Tournament at Brian's was won by Brad K. This is Brad's 3rd win in a row (when he's attended a tournament). Points have been updated. Isaac now tops the leader board. Only 2.5 months until the year is over. Remember, the top 9 players get to play in the championship tournament for free. Others will be allowed to enter also. More details are yet to come.
9/2/2006 - More news about the potential ban of Internet Poker. All the more reason to join the Poker Players Alliance. Even those who choose not to play online should know that much of the game's current popularity is spawned from online players. If the online players are not available, home poker games are going to become fewer and smaller. Here are 2 articles that illustrate how real the possibility of outlawing online poker is: Online poker players face new Prohibition and Chances seem slim for passing Net betting ban(don't let the title of the article fool you). I urge you to join the PPA and write to your senators to get this legislation stopped.
8/18/2006 - Brad K wins again at Jason's. Brad made an amazing comeback with some nicely timed luck to take full control of the final table. Only 2 people joined The Poker Player's Alliance so far. Would like to see more people in PPA tee-shirts at future tournaments. Remember, it's worth an extra point per tournament that you wear the PPA tee-shirt.
8/14/2006 - Jason's tournament will be the first to offer an extra point to anyone who wears their Poker Players Alliance tee-shirt. If you donate to the PPA prior to the tourney, but have not yet received the tee-shirt, you can bring your receipt for your donation (for the 8/18/06 tourney only).
7/15/2006 - First timer, Joe B split first place with Adam M out of a field of 16 players at Jason's. Points will be updated 7/21/06.
6/27/2006 - Brian's tournament cancelled. Look for it to be rescheduled soon. Looking for others to host WestSide Poker Tour tournaments. Need to be able to accomodate at least 20 players. Contact Jason if you're interested.
6/10/2006 - Isaac K and Trien fought a tough battle for first with Isaac overcoming a large chip advantage held by Trien. The final card on the final hand completed Trien's straight, but also gave Isaac a flush. Points have been updated.
6/03/2006 - Steven H beat out a field of 11 other players at Andy's tournament. Points have been updated.
5/20/2006 - Brad K beats out a field of 17 players to take top honors in a rebuy frenzy at Jason's. There were a total of 20 rebuys/add-ons and a prize pool of $620. Darren R was runner up.
5/13/2006 - Michael N wins his second in a row by beating out a field of 14 other players at Brian's. This win puts Michael at the top of the points standings. Points have been updated.
4/27/2006 - Official website launch. We got the basic website up. More enhancements are on the way. Anyone have any suggestions for things they'd like to see?
4/26/2006 - Brian's tournament date has changed to May 13th instead of May 6th.
4/22/2006 - Michael N beats out a field of 13 other players at Jason's tournament. Points have been updated.
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